Bionic Bee

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Neither the human species will disappear in 30 years nor will the Earth be uninhabitable within 50. What the UN affirms in its report published in March 2019, is that as we are going, neither the established environmental objective will be achieved by 2030 or the desired sustainable development for our planet in 2050.

Now comes the paragraph that we all know:

Air quality is getting worse, ecosystems witness the extinction of species and the presence of plastics, antibiotics, fertilizers and an excessive exploitation and consumption of our planet's resources. The Earth has too many open battles and humans are the only ones responsible.

Now comes the paragraph I want to write:

However, I maintain a positive attitude. I think that, although there is a lot of work to be done, some changes are already being seen to, if not reverse, at least curb the situation. In Madrid, for example, those who do not recycle garbage are economically gasoline cars are prohibited in the city center. In addition, organic products are booming and more and more healthy life is trending topic. On the other hand, international treaties such as the one in Paris are a small breath of "fresh" air and possibly the principle of progression we need.

In Einstein's words, if the bees become extinct "Man would have four years to live. Without bees there is no pollination, no grass, no animals, no men."

Now comes the paragraph that brings me back to reality:

There are few companies or scientists that are investing in anti-humanity measures. It seems very worrying, for example, to Elon Musk's plans to colonize Mars in 2022 in his search for a plan B for humanity; or the existence of bionic bees capable of pollinating the fields, in view of the fact that the real ones are disappearing ... In fact, today the bionic is so advanced that it has managed to create a whole man, with heart and synthetic blood!

And for those who do not know, there are three other alternatives to help our planet:

1º- VHEMT - Voluntary Human Extinction Movement - invites humans to stop procreating to achieve the gradual and voluntary extinction of humanity.

2º- Population Action International - Invites reducing births and not eliminating them completely.

3º- Euthanasia Church - Proposes the decrease of the population through suicide and cannabalism.

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