3d Cosmic Rats

Saturday, February 13, 2021
Owl & Moon

According to the Chinese calendar, yesterday we said goodbye to the year of the rat, the year of Covid, of lockdowns, of multidimensional crisis ... a year in which, according to some, hope, resurgence and creativity were predicted ... and they were not so wrong ...

The rat is the first of the animals of the Chinese zodiac wheel and that means that a lot of changes are coming, internal changes in each one of us, political or personal changes ... and without doubt this has been the case for all of us. Regardless of whether they have been positive or not, internal changes have emerged in all of us.

Furthermore, according to numerology, the number zero is also associated with beginning, starting from zero and therefore it carries changes and novelties. Zero is a number considered infinite and therefore is associated with an absolute void, a regenerative crisis and an unlimited number of options and views.

It seems that we were hopelessly destined to live a year out of the ordinary.

At the moment it does not seem that the year of the ox is going to be much better but I will talk about that in future posts ...

Owl & Moon

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