Why so Serious?

Sunday, November 10, 2019

This drawing has been Photoshopped. Specifically, both the top of the head and the banner are photoshopped. Lettering is still my great pending issue and that makes me sad, really. I have always admired people who have a beautiful handwriting and who knows how to do lettering and as, I have a hard time giving up I have come to buy two very complete books on the subject - with exercises included - but almost no progress is being made!

Of all my attempts at lettering, this A3 is the best one and as you see, it has no merit... 😪

Well, getting straight to the point, I have to say that I don't like guns. I do not like anyone to kill or hurt any form of life, just as I do not like violence or discussions or people who practice either of that.

These are hard times in Spain, lately... On the one hand, Catalan independentists are creating a climate as unnecessarily violent as inexplicably seconded, given its inefficiency. They may not be the majority of Catalans but seeing the images of the violent people destroying everything in their path hurts as much as watching a forest burn.

On the other hand, we have no government since, a year and a half ago, Pedro Sánchez decided to enter the presidency at any price.

Today is election day and for the third time in four years, we have the opportunity not to make the same mistakes and not to vote for the same politicians thirsty only for fame, money and power. This quite new political party called Vox is gaining strength very quickly, due precisely to the latest devastating events in Catalonia. I have to say that I also see the charisma of his candidate, Abascal, and that listening to him talking about the unity of Spain and the firmness with which he defends his line of action is tempting but be careful, because Abascal is a right-wing radical... Mr. Abascal, among other great eccentricities such as the defense of hunting or bullfighting, is in favor of legalizing weapons! To be able to freely buy any weapon and use it at our discretion is exactly what Spain needs...

I don't even want to imagine ...

I do not know who can bring a touch of good sense here but I hope that, whoever it is, now and in the future, will never legalize weapons in this country.

I already have my vote and my fingers crossed...

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